0 room for advancement you can be told you are now a termite technician or a pest tech but the second they dont have someone for the insulation you will be pulled right back to that work. other work includes everything the company does termite sprays also in the attic and other termite work and pest control work.

against company policy if the attic is filled with personal items you will be expected to remove them without complaint. you are expected to complete removal and blow ins the same day pretty much regardless of size of job and conditions within work space. removal is back breaking work in extreme heat and tight space conditions where you could possibly fall through a ceiling. insulation removal pulling fiberglass insulation(extremely itchy) by hand and also loose insulation removal via suction machine. You can never win in this company.Universal tech is a made up name you are an insulation tech first and foremost and then you are expected to also do everything under the sun, starting pay for the position is around 13 to 15 an hour. They expect way too much out of techs, and a lot of the time they give you too little time to do your job well, and if you take too long, you fall behind fast and get in trouble. some days you can make 200 and other you will make none. There are days when you get nothing but callbacks ( you make 0 dollars off a callback) and you pretty much work a 12 hour day to make 10 bucks. they don’t care about customers, they just want as much money as possible. they will give you jobs hours apart, leaving you to sit in your truck doing nothing, showing up to appointments early gets you in trouble. The scheduling is awful, they will give you 10 minutes to drive 30, making you late to your appointments. If you’re late or miss a day for anything (appointments, sick, emergencies) they make you work that saturday, on top of working 1 or 2 saturdays every month. If you enjoy going to work at 7 and finishing your last job at 6 only to have to drive another 1-2 hours home this is the job for you.